Meet Hanelise Wagner, Digital transformation expert


As part of our series of portraits, we are happy to give you the opportunity to meet Hanelise Wagner who recently joined Cegos as a digital transformation expert. The aim of the series of portraits is to present the teams who day after day ensure that the Cegos solutions available on the market remain innovative and reflect the high quality level our partners and customers can expect.

In previous posts, you had the opportunity to meet Liliana LouroZairo SamssudinMario StofenmacherChristelle DelavaudNuno Moreira and Elise Racinais. Today, we invite you to find out where Hanelise comes from and how thorough her digital experience is.

Can you tell about your background and how you came to Cegos?

Cegos France was seeking an expert in digital learning and digital transformation for their bespoke solution department. They reached out to me. I was already familiar with Cegos as the world leader in professional training. Upon meeting the team and learning about their ambitious digital skills development goals, I was confident it would be a perfect fit. And indeed, it has been. The projects involving AI, digital transformation, digital literacy, and office tools that I’ve been working on have been truly exciting.

Regarding my background, my journey with computers and coding began in the 1980s. Although I didn't fully grasp it at the time, I've always had a strong connection to technology.

As I started my career as a teacher, I delved into computer-assisted and blended learning. It became evident that automation and digitalization could immensely support the learning process.

In addition to teaching, I gained experience as a CSM and Project manager at a software development company. I performed business analysis and even ventured into founding an e-commerce startup, providing me with a holistic view of end-to-end digitalization. These opportunities allowed me to understand digital use from various perspectives, including how individuals adapt to the ongoing digital transformation and the critical role of skills development.

What do you think is the priority today for organizations in terms of skills development (taking into account the current context of Digital transformation)?

An important aspect of digital transformation is the change in behavior, and it concerns everyone living in the 2020s. In this sense, the priority for organizations today should be to help employees and customers understand and adapt to these changes. This includes essential personal development skills such as empathy, communication, adaptability, problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making. Additionally, it encompasses data literacy, compliance and cybersecurity skills.

Digital literacy is a key challenge for employability today: can you please share examples at Cegos that helped our clients tackle this skills’ gap?

Of course, let me tell you about two different projects, one that has been going on for two years and is extremely successful, and another that is under construction.

As part of its digital transformation, Pole Emploi wanted to develop collaborative work and remote work using Microsoft® Office365 solution. The training journey aimed at learning how to use the basic tools as well as improving cooperation. In 24 months, over 17 000 people have been trained by Cegos, with an excellent satisfaction rate and the project is still running.

I’m also working on a new project. Our target audience comprises customer relationship operators. Their role has undergone significant changes in recent years, primarily due to internal process reengineering, the evolution of customer experience, and new legal requirements. Although they have received training on office tools, our client observed that it was insufficient. They needed to develop new digital literacy skills, such as collaborating online, distinguishing true from fake information, and ensuring a responsible and cyber-secure behavior. To address this need, we have developed a blended learning journey, utilizing a new collection of micro-videos on digital skills. Each pedagogical objective is addressed through a dedicated micro-video and collaborative work on live sessions.

How do you think AI will change our jobs as trainers in the next years?

We are currently experiencing a significant AI breakthrough and are in the midst of an AI revolution. AI is undeniably reshaping jobs in an irreversible manner. It will soon become a part of our normal lives, similar to what happened with the internet but at a much faster pace. As far as I'm concerned, what's crucial is understanding what AI tools can achieve, how they can enhance our job performance, and what new risks they may bring. In other words, we need digital literacy to maximize its benefits and ensure our usage is responsible and ethical.

Personally, AI helps me work more effectively and precisely. It assists in brainstorming, performs calculations, and organizes my work, freeing up my mind for creativity and enabling more productive and enjoyable interactions with my colleagues.

When talking about AI/ digital transformation, we often forget that it affects climate change. According to you, is Digital transformation a threat or an opportunity for sustainability?

I’d say it is both a threat and an opportunity. Climate change is a result of previous transformation, and it is also one of the reasons why we are going through digital transformations.

Opportunities are there as digital technologies can optimize energy consumption, resource utilization, and supply chain operations. The adoption of remote work and telecommuting can reduce transportation-related emissions. IoT devices and sensors can be employed to monitor environmental conditions. Moreover, digital tools can enhance the integration and management of renewable energy sources. Finally, digital technologies can facilitate Circular Economy Initiatives.

However, the threats are just as real. The production, consumption, and disposal of digital devices can generate a significant amount of electronic waste. In addition, the increasing use of digital technologies, data centers, and high-energy computing can contribute to a surge in energy demand and mining for rare earth resources. Furthermore, the unequal access to digital technologies and the internet can exacerbate existing social inequalities. This is mostly a social challenge, but it has a direct impact on climate change and its effects on the population.

It all depends on the choices we make. To benefit from the opportunities and mitigate the threats, we need to invest in skills training.

Related information

To find out more about the digital learning offer from Cegos and how AI is being used to increase learning performances, contact us.